Keith Self-Ballard
Keith's original introduction note:
"Hi, my name is Keith Self-Ballard.
Patrick and I have known each other for 15 years now, so I'm very excited to join the goKC! team.
My art instruction includes undergraduate work at Purdue University and
graduate work at East Tennessee State University. I've worked as a print
advertising artist and a web developer. For the past decade plus, I have
worked in the game development industry. I have worked on a number of
different games on various platforms including Myst 3: Exile, Whacked! for
the Xbox, Lords of EverQuest, and most recently the Saint's Row franchise.
Since a great deal of my background is in lighting, color, and environment
design. I am thrilled to be bringing these skills to goKC! Special thanks goes to Patrick for his creativity and initiative in bringing
this site to life."
- Keith Self-Ballard